Vue Structure


app.js file Structure.

import './bootstrap';
import '../scss/config/default/app.scss';
import '@vueform/slider/themes/default.css';
import '../scss/mermaid.min.css';

import { createApp, h } from 'vue';
import { createInertiaApp } from '@inertiajs/vue3';
import { resolvePageComponent } from 'laravel-vite-plugin/inertia-helpers';
import { ZiggyVue } from '../../vendor/tightenco/ziggy/dist/vue.m';
import BootstrapVueNext from 'bootstrap-vue-next';
import vClickOutside from "click-outside-vue3";
import VueApexCharts from "vue3-apexcharts";
import VueFeather from 'vue-feather';
import VueTheMask from 'vue-the-mask';

import AOS from 'aos';
import 'aos/dist/aos.css';

import store from "./state/store";
import i18n from './i18n'

    easing: 'ease-out-back',
    duration: 1000

    title: title => title ? `${title} - Velzon Inertia + Vue & Laravel Admin & Dashboard Template` : 'Velzon - Inertia + Vue & Laravel Admin & Dashboard Template',
    resolve: (name) => resolvePageComponent(`./Pages/${name}.vue`, import.meta.glob('./Pages/**/*.vue')),
    setup({ el, App, props, plugin }) {
        return createApp({ render: () => h(App, props) })
            .component(VueFeather.type, VueFeather)
    progress: {
        color: '#4B5563',

Layout setup

You can set the default layout in the resources/js/state/module/layout.js.

layoutType:"vertical" topbar:"light" sidebarColor:"dark" sidebarSize:"lg"
Attributes Note
layoutType="vertical" To set default layout as Vertical.
layoutType="horizontal" To set default layout as Horizontal.
layoutType="twocolumn" To set default layout as Two column.
layoutType="semibox" To set default layout as Semibox.
mode="light" To set Light layout mode.
mode="dark" To set Dark layout mode.
sidebarSize="lg" layoutWidth="fluid" To set layout width Fluid and left sidebar large.
sidebarSize="sm-hover" layoutWidth="boxed" To set layout width Boxed and left sidebar on hover show menu.
position="fixed" To set layout position Fixed.
position="scrollable" To set layout position Scrollable.
topbar="light" To set the Light color of Topbar.
topbar="dark" To set the dark color of Topbar.
sidebarSize="lg" To set the Large left sidebar.
sidebarSize="md" To set the Compact left sidebar.
sidebarSize="sm" To set the Icon view left sidebar.
sidebarSize="sm-hover" To set the Icon hover left sidebar.
sidebarView="default" To set the Default layout.
sidebarView="detached" To set the Detached layout.
sidebarColor="light" To set the Light color of left Sidebar.
sidebarColor="dark" To set the Dark color of left Sidebar.
sidebarColor="gradient" To set the Gradient color of left Sidebar.
sidebarColor="gradient-2" To set the Gradient-2 color of left Sidebar.
sidebarColor="gradient-3" To set the Gradient-3 color of left Sidebar.
sidebarColor="gradient-4" To set the Gradient-4 color of left Sidebar.
sidebarImage="none" To Disable image on left Sidebar.
sidebarImage="img-1" To set the img-1 Image of left Sidebar.
sidebarImage="img-2" To set the img-2 Image of left Sidebar.
sidebarImage="img-3" To set the img-3 Image of left Sidebar.
sidebarImage="img-4" To set the img-4 Image of left Sidebar.
preloader="enable" To enable the preloader on the Page.
preloader="disable" To disable the preloader on the Page.
visibility="show" To set visibility show of left Sidebar.
visibility="hidden" To set visibility hide of left Sidebar.

You can set the default layout in the resources/js/state/module/layout.js.

layoutType:"vertical" topbar:"light" sidebarColor:"dark" sidebarSize:"lg" sidebarImage: 'none' preloader: 'disable' layoutTheme: 'default' themeColor: 'default'
Attributes Note
layoutType="vertical" To set default layout as Vertical.
layoutType="horizontal" To set default layout as Horizontal.
layoutType="twocolumn" To set default layout as Two column.
layoutType="semibox" To set default layout as Semibox.
layoutTheme: 'default' To set default theme as Default
layoutTheme: 'saas' To set saas theme as Saas
layoutTheme: 'material' To set material theme as Material
layoutTheme: 'galaxy' To set galaxy theme as Galaxy
layoutTheme: 'corporate' To set corporate theme as Corporate
layoutTheme: 'minimal' To set minimal theme as Minimal
layoutTheme: 'creative' To set creative theme as Creative
layoutTheme: 'interactive' To set interactive theme as Interactive
layoutTheme: 'modern' To set modern theme as Modern
layoutTheme: 'classic' To set classic theme as Classic
layoutTheme: 'vintage' To set vintage theme as Vintage
mode="light" To set Light layout mode.
mode="dark" To set Dark layout mode.
sidebarSize="lg" layoutWidth="fluid" To set layout width Fluid and left sidebar large.
sidebarSize="sm-hover" layoutWidth="boxed" To set layout width Boxed and left sidebar on hover show menu.
position="fixed" To set layout position Fixed.
position="scrollable" To set layout position Scrollable.
topbar="light" To set the Light color of Topbar.
topbar="dark" To set the dark color of Topbar.
sidebarSize="lg" To set the Large left sidebar.
sidebarSize="md" To set the Compact left sidebar.
sidebarSize="sm" To set the Icon view left sidebar.
sidebarSize="sm-hover" To set the Icon hover left sidebar.
sidebarView="default" To set the Default layout.
sidebarView="detached" To set the Detached layout.
sidebarColor="light" To set the Light color of left Sidebar.
sidebarColor="dark" To set the Dark color of left Sidebar.
sidebarColor="gradient" To set the Gradient color of left Sidebar.
sidebarColor="gradient-2" To set the Gradient-2 color of left Sidebar.
sidebarColor="gradient-3" To set the Gradient-3 color of left Sidebar.
sidebarColor="gradient-4" To set the Gradient-4 color of left Sidebar.
sidebarImage="none" To Disable image on left Sidebar.
sidebarImage="img-1" To set the img-1 Image of left Sidebar.
sidebarImage="img-2" To set the img-2 Image of left Sidebar.
sidebarImage="img-3" To set the img-3 Image of left Sidebar.
sidebarImage="img-4" To set the img-4 Image of left Sidebar.
preloader="enable" To enable the preloader on the Page.
preloader="disable" To disable the preloader on the Page.
visibility="show" To set visibility show of left Sidebar.
visibility="hidden" To set visibility hide of left Sidebar.
2025 © Velzon.
Design & Develop by Themesbrand