
Inertia Setup Guidance

Note: This setup only for Laravel with Vue.


Inertia is a new approach to building classic server-driven web apps. We call it the modern monolith.

Inertia allows you to create fully client-side rendered, single-page apps, without the complexity that comes with modern SPAs. It does this by leveraging existing server-side patterns that you already love.

Inertia has no client-side routing, nor does it require an API. Simply build controllers and page views like you've always done! Inertia works great with any backend framework, but it's fine-tuned for Laravel.

Inertia isn't a framework, nor is it a replacement for your existing server-side or client-side frameworks. Rather, it's designed to work with them. Think of Inertia as glue that connects the two. Inertia does this via adapters. We currently have three official client-side adapters (React, Vue, and Svelte) and two server-side adapters (Laravel and Rails).

Server-side Setup:

The first step when installing Inertia is to configure your server-side framework. Inertia maintains an official server-side adapter for Laravel. For other frameworks, please see the community adapters.

Laravel's starter kits, Breeze and Jetstream, provide out-of-the-box scaffolding for new Inertia applications. These starter kits are the absolute fastest way to start building a new Inertia project using Laravel and Vue or React. However, if you would like to manually install Inertia into your application, please consult the documentation below.

First, install the Inertia server-side adapter using the Composer package manager.

composer require inertiajs/inertia-laravel

Next, setup the root template that will be loaded on the first page visit to your application. This will be used to load your site assets (CSS and JavaScript), and will also contain a root <div> in which to boot your JavaScript application.

<!DOCTYPE html>
        <meta charset="utf-8" />
        <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0, maximum-scale=1.0" />

This template should include your assets, as well as the @inertia and @inertiaHead directives.

By default, Inertia's Laravel adapter will assume your root template is named app.blade.php. If you would like to use a different root view, you can change it using the Inertia::setRootView() method.

Next we need to setup the Inertia middleware. You can accomplish this by publishing the HandleInertiaRequests middleware to your application, which can be done using the following Artisan command.

php artisan inertia:middleware

Once the middleware has been published, register the HandleInertiaRequests middleware in your App\Http\Kernel as the last item in your web middleware group.

'web' => [
        // ...

This middleware provides a version() method for setting your asset version, as well as a share() method for defining shared data.

use Inertia\Inertia;
class EventsController extends Controller
    public function show(Event $event)
        return Inertia::render('Event/Show', [
            'event' => $event->only(
Client-side Setup:

Once you have your server-side framework configured, you then need to setup your client-side framework. Inertia currently provides support for React, Vue, and Svelte..

Laravel's starter kits, Breeze and Jetstream, provide out-of-the-box scaffolding for new Inertia applications. These starter kits are the absolute fastest way to start building a new Inertia project using Laravel and Vue or React. However, if you would like to manually install Inertia into your application, please consult the documentation below.

First, install the Inertia client-side adapter corresponding to your framework of choice.

npm install @inertiajs/vue3

Next, update your main JavaScript file to boot your Inertia app. To accomplish this, we'll initialize the client-side framework with the base Inertia component.

import { createApp, h } from 'vue'
import { createInertiaApp } from '@inertiajs/vue3'

    resolve: name => {
    const pages = import.meta.glob('./Pages/**/*.vue', { eager: true })
    return pages[`./Pages/${name}.vue`]
    setup({ el, App, props, plugin }) {
    createApp({ render: () => h(App, props) })

The setup callback receives everything necessary to initialize the client-side framework, including the root Inertia App component.

The resolve callback tells Inertia how to load a page component. It receives a page name (string), and returns a page component module. How you implement this callback depends on which bundler (Vite or Webpack) you're using.

// Vite
resolve: name => {
    const pages = import.meta.glob('./Pages/**/*.vue', { eager: true })
    return pages[`./Pages/${name}.vue`]

// Webpack
resolve: name => require(`./Pages/${name}`),

By default we recommend eager loading your components, which will result in a single JavaScript bundle. However, if you'd like to lazy-load your components, see our code splitting documentation.

By default, Inertia assumes that your application's root template has a root element with an id of app. If your application's root element has a different id, you can provide it using the id property.

    id: 'my-app',
    // ...

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