Link colors

You can use the .link-* classes to colorize links. Unlike the .text-* classes, these classes have a :hover and :focus state. Some of the link styles use a relatively light foreground color, and should only be used on a dark background in order to have sufficient contrast.

Link utilities

Colored links can also be modified by our link utilities.

Link Opacity

Change the alpha opacity of the link rgba() color value with utilities. Please be aware that changes to a color’s opacity can lead to links with insufficient contrast.

Link Opacity Hover

Underline color

Underline opacity

Change the underline’s opacity. Requires adding .link-underline to first set an rgba() color we use to then modify the alpha opacity.

Underline offset

Change the underline’s distance from your text. Offset is set in em units to automatically scale with the element’s current font-size.

Icon link

Take a regular <a> element, add .icon-link, and insert an icon on either the left or right of your link text. The icon is automatically sized, placed, and colored.

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