Dixie Allen

Web Developer

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Password must contain:

Minimum 8 characters

At lowercase letter (a-z)

At least uppercase letter (A-Z)

A least number (0-9)

Login History
Mobile IP Address Date Address
iPhone 12 Pro 18 Dec, 2023 Los Angeles, United States Logout
Apple iPad Pro 03 Jan, 2023 Phoenix, United States Logout
Galaxy S21 Ultra 5G 25 Feb, 2023 Washington, United States Logout
Dell Inspiron 14 16 Oct, 2022 Phoenix, United States Logout
iPhone 12 Pro 192.44.326.42 22 May, 2022 Conneticut, United States Logout
Apple iPad Pro 19 Nov, 2023 Los Angeles, United States Logout
Galaxy S21 Ultra 5G 30 Aug, 2022 Conneticut, United States Logout
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Security & Privacy
Two-factor Authentication

Two-factor authentication is an enhanced security. Once enabled, you'll be required to give two types of identification when you log into Google Authentication and SMS are Supported.

Secondary Verification

The first factor is a password and the second commonly includes a text with a code sent to your smartphone, or biometrics using your fingerprint, face, or retina.

Backup Codes

A backup code is automatically generated for you when you turn on two-factor authentication through your iOS or Android Twitter app. You can also generate a backup code on twitter.com.

Application Notifications:
  • Messages from people you follow

  • Choose the option you want as your default setting. Block a site: Next to "Not allowed to send notifications," click Add.

  • Under Settings, choose Notifications. Under Select an account, choose the account to enable notifications for.

  • To prevent duplicate mobile notifications from the Gmail and Chat apps, in settings, turn off Chat notifications.

  • Get real-time purchase alerts to protect yourself from fraudulent charges.

Delete This Account:

Go to the Data & Privacy section of your profile Account. Scroll to "Your data & privacy options." Delete your Profile Account. Follow the instructions to delete your account :

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