Patient Name Diseases Address Age Appointment Date Status Action
Sadie Hampton Urgent
Stomach Aches Suite 791 7565 Billy Springs, Lake Trista, WY 40554-5564 25 Years 25 Jan, 2024 New
Angie Henry
Conjunctivitis ("pink eye“) pt. 978 560 Carlton Lake, Port Stevenfurt, WA 79130 30 Years 19 Dec, 2023 Active
Robert Trusty
Infectious mononucleosis Schöllerstr. 38, West Fynndorf, BE 45043 22 Years 03 March, 2024 Active
Utler Anthony
Allergies Rua Alicia Granado, 1, San Fernando, Leo 47116 21 Years 16 June, 2022 In active
Sheila Gonzalez Urgent
Cryptosporidiosis 9776 Konopelski Loaf, Ratkemouth, MD 55036 22 Years 15 Nov, 2023 Active
Amanda Reynolds
Leptospirosis 3307 Cruz Trail, Magdalenaview, NV 57322 26 Years 02 Feb, 2024 New
Debra Esquibel Urgent
Tuberculosis 602 Shirely Gardens, Rinamouth, MN 85880 33 Years 28 Dec, 2024 Confirmed
Jodie Bentley
Hepatitis B Eschenweg 95, Finiaheim, BY 61836 18 Years 08 Jan, 2024 New
Amanda Reynolds
Leptospirosis Eichenweg 67a, Süd Estelle, SH 63088 36 Years 11 Feb, 2020 In active
Debra Esquibel
Tuberculosis Dhünnstr. 67c, Nord Liviabrunn, MV 81244 25 Years 26 March, 2024 Active
Odie Jakubowski
Cryptosporidiosis 7026 Promenade Leo Hamon, 07815 Pontoise 39 Years 14 July, 2024 Active
Showing 8 of 20 Results
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