Vuex Setup

Hybrix Vuejs is having setup based on Vuex. The slices configurations are located in src/state folder.

Add Package
yarn add vuex
Import Package
import { createStore } from "vuex";

const store = createStore({

export default store;
Remove Package
yarn remove vuex ( you can remove package by removing specific package from package.json )
Here let's have one store name layout. Create store in src/state/pinia/layout.js
  export const state = {
    layoutType: 'vertical',
    layoutWidth: 'fluid',
    sidebarSize: 'lg',
    topbar: 'light',
    mode: 'light',
    position: 'fixed',
    sidebarView: 'default',
    sidebarColor: 'light',
    sidebarImage: 'none',
    preloader: 'disable',
    layoutTheme: 'default',

export const mutations = {
    CHANGE_LAYOUT(state, layoutType) {
        state.layoutType = layoutType;
    CHANGE_LAYOUT_WIDTH(state, layoutWidth) {
        state.layoutWidth = layoutWidth;
    CHANGE_SIDEBAR_TYPE(state, sidebarSize) {
        state.sidebarSize = sidebarSize;
    CHANGE_TOPBAR(state, topbar) {
        state.topbar = topbar;
    CHANGE_MODE(state, mode) {
        state.mode = mode;
    CHANGE_POSITION(state, position) {
        state.position = position;
    CHANGE_SIDEBAR_VIEW(state, sidebarView) {
        state.sidebarView = sidebarView;
    CHANGE_SIDEBAR_COLOR(state, sidebarColor) {
        state.sidebarColor = sidebarColor;
    CHANGE_SIDEBAR_IMAGE(state, sidebarImage) {
        state.sidebarImage = sidebarImage;
    CHANGE_PRELOADER(state, preloader) {
        state.preloader = preloader;
    CHANGE_THEMES(state, layoutTheme) {
        state.layoutTheme = layoutTheme;

export const actions = {
    changeLayoutType({ commit }, { layoutType }) {
        commit('CHANGE_LAYOUT', layoutType);

    changeLayoutWidth({ commit }, { layoutWidth }) {
        commit('CHANGE_LAYOUT_WIDTH', layoutWidth);

    changeSidebarSize({ commit }, { sidebarSize }) {
        commit('CHANGE_SIDEBAR_TYPE', sidebarSize);

    changeTopbar({ commit }, { topbar }) {
        commit('CHANGE_TOPBAR', topbar);

    changeMode({ commit }, { mode }) {
        commit('CHANGE_MODE', mode);

    changePosition({ commit }, { position }) {
        commit('CHANGE_POSITION', position);

    changeSidebarView({ commit }, { sidebarView }) {
        commit('CHANGE_SIDEBAR_VIEW', sidebarView);

    changeSidebarColor({ commit }, { sidebarColor }) {
        commit('CHANGE_SIDEBAR_COLOR', sidebarColor);

    changeSidebarImage({ commit }, { sidebarImage }) {
        commit('CHANGE_SIDEBAR_IMAGE', sidebarImage);

    changePreloader({ commit }, { preloader }) {
        commit('CHANGE_PRELOADER', preloader);

    changeThemes({ commit }, { layoutTheme }) {
        commit('CHANGE_THEMES', layoutTheme);
To centralize all stores, create one file name store.js at src/state/. Import store here as per bellow,
import { createStore } from 'vuex';
import modules from './modules'; 
  const store = createStore({
    // Enable strict mode in development to get a warning
    // when mutating state outside of a mutation.
    strict: process.env.NODE_ENV !== 'production',
export default store;
© Hybrix.
Design & Develop by Themesbrand