
You can change the template as per your requirements. To configure it, we will use layout.js. you can find the file in src/state/modules/layout.js folder.

Theme Options

Not applicable in horizontal layout

Each of the theme configuration options is provided Below, you can change their values as per you need in initialState variable located in src/state/modules/layout.js file.

Note : if you are going to update any object property of initialState, make sure you use option's corresponding constant given in src/state/modules/layout.js file. (Please do not change the constant's value in src/state/modules/layout.js file)
export const state = {
    layoutType: 'vertical',
    layoutWidth: 'fluid',
    sidebarSize: 'lg',
    topbar: 'light',
    mode: 'light',
    position: 'fixed',
    sidebarView: 'detached',
    sidebarColor: 'light',
    sidebarImage: 'none',
    preloader: 'disable',
    layoutTheme: 'default',

Layout Style

sidebarView: 'detached',
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