
You can change the template as per your requirements. To configure it, we will use layout.js. you can find the file in src/state/modules/layout.js folder.

Theme Options

Each of the theme configuration options is provided Below, you can change their values as per you need in initialState variable located in src/state/modules/layout.js file.

Note : if you are going to update any object property of initialState, make sure you use option's corresponding constant given in src/state/modules/layout.js file. (Please do not change the constant's value in src/state/modules/layout.js file)
export const state = {
    layoutType: 'vertical',
    layoutWidth: 'fluid',
    sidebarSize: 'sm-hover',
    topbar: 'light',
    mode: 'light',
    position: 'fixed',
    sidebarView: 'default',
    sidebarColor: 'light',
    sidebarImage: 'none',
    preloader: 'disable',
    layoutTheme: 'default',

Sidebar Style Colors

sidebarSize: 'sm-hover',
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