
How to use pre-built layouts?

You can change the template as per your requirements. To configure it, we will use reducer.js. you can find the +layout.svelte file in /src/routes/ folder.

Theme Options

Each of the theme configuration options is provided Below, you can change their values as per you need in variable located in src/routes/+layout.svelte file.

let layoutType = "vertical";

Go to src/Components/Common/RightSidebar.svelte file.

let leftSidebarType = 'dark';
let layoutModeType = 'light';
let layoutWidthType = 'fluid';
let layoutPositionType = 'fixed';
let topbarThemeType = 'light';
let leftSidebarViewType = 'detached';

Layout Style

image leftSidebarViewType = 'detached';