RTL Mode

RTL Mode Setting

To enable RTL mode, you need to uncomment the RTL SCSS files in the resources/js/scss/themes.scss file, just like you would also uncomment the following two lines:

@import "../scss/config/default/bootstrap.scss";
@import "../scss/config/default/app.scss";

and uncomment RTL Mode scss files in the resources/js/scss/themes.scss file same as uncomment below lines

// @import "../scss/rtl/components-rtl";
// @import "../scss/rtl/layouts-rtl";
// @import "../scss/rtl/plugins-rtl";
// @import "../scss/rtl/pages-rtl";
Note : In languages that are read from right to left (RTL), such as Arabic, the main warning is that the rtl not work effectively because the language is already in RTL in itself.
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