

Toner React is having routing setup based on React-Router.

You can find our template's router configuration in src/Routes folder. the src/Routes/allRoutes.tsx file is containing all routes of our template.

We have also added Authmiddleware in (Only For BackEnd) src/Routes/AuthProtected.tsx file, to handle redirection for non-auth users. you can also handle roles based routing, redirections, set accessToken here as per your need.

Note : All private & public routes are rendered in src/App.tsx file.

How to add new route ?

You can easily add, change or remove any route by simply making changes described below:

1. Open src/Routes/allRoutes.tsx file, declare your component. E.g.

import newPage from "../pages/newPage"

2. And make sure to add the entry for same with path and other properties like path and component same as other routes declared there. if your page is a public page (with blank layout), then add the route in publicRoutes, and if your page is a private page (with full layout) then add route in authProtectedRoutes. E.g.

{ path: "/new-page", component: <newPage /> }

Each of these properties are explained below:

  • path : Url relative path
  • component : Actual component name which would get rendered when user visits the path
Note : you don't need to restart the development server in order to see the menu changes getting in effect
© Toner.
Design & Develop by Themesbrand