Dark Mode Setting

To switch the layout mode to Dark, you can easily make the following adjustments within the src/store/layout/reducer.js file.

You can enable Dark Mode by setting the attribute layoutModeType to layoutModeType: layoutModeTypes.DARK within the src/store/layout/reducer.js file. There were no need to make changes in style or other files.

Attribute Value
layoutModeType: layoutModeTypes.DARK,

Light Mode Setting

To switch the layout mode to Light, you can easily make the following adjustments within the src/store/layout/reducer.js file.

You can enable Light Mode by setting the attribute layoutModeType to layoutModeType: layoutModeTypes.LIGHT within the src/store/layout/reducer.js file. There were no need to make changes in style or other files.

Attribute Value
layoutModeType: layoutModeTypes.LIGHT,

Verticle Mode Setting

To switch the layout type to Verticle, you can easily make the following adjustments within the src/store/layout/reducer.js file.

You can enable Verticle type by setting the attribute layoutType to layoutType: layoutTypes.VERTICAL within the src/store/layout/reducer.js file. There were no need to make changes in style or other files.

Attribute Value
layoutType: layoutTypes.VERTICAL,

Horizontal Mode Setting

To switch the layout type to Horizontal, you can easily make the following adjustments within the src/store/layout/reducer.js file.

You can enable Horizontal type by setting the attribute layoutType to layoutType: layoutTypes.HORIZONTAL within the src/store/layout/reducer.js file. There were no need to make changes in style or other files.

Attribute Value
layoutType: layoutTypes.HORIZONTAL,
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