Theme Configuration

To configure the layout, we will use the reducer.ts file. you can find the file from src/redux/layout folder.

Initial Tab Activation

the initially activated tab is the Chats tab now, but if you want to change the initially activated tab, then you can change it by changing the activeTab property from INIT_STATE located in the src/redux/layout/reducer.ts file.

Note: if you are going to update any object property of INIT_STATE, make sure you use the option's corresponding constant given in the src/constants/layout.ts file. (Please do not change the constant's value in src/constants/layout.ts file)
export const INIT_STATE: LayoutState = {
  activeTab: TABS.CHAT
  • TABS.CHAT : used to activate the chat tab.
  • TABS.USERS : used to activate the logged-in user's profile tab.
  • TABS.CONTACTS : used to activate the contacts tab.
  • TABS.CALLS : used to activate the calls tab.
  • TABS.BOOKMARK : used to activate the bookmark tab.
  • TABS.SETTINGS : used to activate the settings tab.
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