Horizontal menu configuration
If you would like to have Horizontal Menu (or Topnav) based layout then perform below change.
Use data-layout="horizontal"
attribute to set vertical layout.
How to use pre-built layouts?
Each of the
options is
below with
steps you
would need
to perform
in file
in body tag.
Topbar Light
Keep your body element with data attributedata-topbar="light" data-layout="horizontal"
E.g. <body data-topbar="light" data-layout="horizontal">
to have Light topbar.
Boxed Layout
Keep your body element with data attributedata-layout-size="boxed" data-layout="horizontal"
E.g. <body data-layout-size="boxed" data-layout="horizontal">
to have boxed layout.
Topbar Dark
Keep your body element with data attributedata-layout="horizontal" data-topbar="dark"
E.g. <body data-topbar="dark" data-layout="horizontal">
to have Dark topbar.