#VLZ135 - Create an Excellent UI for a Dashboard
Ticket Description
It would also help to know what the errors are - it could be something simple like a message saying delivery is not available which could be a problem with your shipping templates. Too much or too little spacing, as in the example below, can make things unpleasant for the reader. The goal is to make your text as comfortable to read as possible. On the note of consistency, color consistency is a MUST. If you’re not trying to create crazy contrast in your design, then a great idea would be for you to use a color palette throughout your entire design. It will subconsciously interest viewers and also is very pleasing to look at. Example
Create an Excellent UI for a Dashboard
- Pick a Dashboard Type
- Categorize information when needed
- Provide Context
- On using colors
- On using the right graphs
Here is the code you've requested
var app = document.getElementById("app");
var run = (model) => get(model, "users", () =>
get(model, "posts",
() => {
model.users.forEach(user => model.userIdx[user.id] = user);
app.innerText = '';
model.posts.forEach(post =>
app.appendChild(renderPost(post, model.userIdx[post.userId])));
app.appendChild(Wrapper.generate("button", "Load").click(() => run({
userIdx: {}
Ticket Details
Ticket | #VLZ135 |
Client | Themesbrand |
Project | Velzon - Admin Dashboard |
Assigned To: | |
Status: |
New Status Closed Inprogress New Open |
Priority | High |
Create Date | 20 Dec, 2021 |
Due Date | 29 Dec, 2021 |
Last Activity | 14 min ago |
Labels | Admin UI Dashboard Design |