📢 This package includes Bootstrap v5.3.3, React JS, React TypeScript, React Laravel Inertia, Angular 18, Vue 3, Laravel + VueJs, Laravel 11, Django, ASP.Net Core 8, CodeIgniter 4, Symfony, PHP, NodeJs, Ajax, Cake PHP, Flask, AIOHTTP, Svelte, ASP.Net MVC, Yii 2, Bottle and Spring Boot versions.

Velzon is an admin dashboard template built with Bootstrap v5.3.3, React JS, React TypeScript, React Laravel Inertia, Angular 18, Vue 3, Laravel + VueJs, Laravel 11, Django, ASP.Net Core 8, CodeIgniter 4, Symfony, PHP, NodeJs, Ajax, Cake PHP, Flask, AIOHTTP, Svelte, ASP.Net MVC, Yii 2, Bottle & spring Boot. You can build any type of web application like eCommerce, CRM, CMS, project management apps, admin panels etc using Velzon.
v4.3.0 (28 Oct, 2024)
- Upgraded Bootstrap version to v5.3.3
- Upgraded packages
- Upgraded Vector Maps
- Upgraded Sweetalert2
- Added Blog Dashboards
- Added Blog Pages
- Added Slope Chart
- Fixed Minor issue
- Removed node-sass and added sass
- Removed unnecessary packages
- Replaced google-map-react with @react-google-maps/api
- Replaced react-beautiful-dnd with @hello-pangea/dnd
- Fixed Minor issue
- Resolved Charts issues
- Removed unnecessary packages
- Replaced sweetalert2 with vue-sweetalert2
- Fixed Minor issue
v4.2.1 (21 June, 2024)
- Updated to Angular version 18
- Upgraded all dependencies
v4.2.0 (06 May, 2024)
- Minor issue fixed
- Sidebar Code updated
- Upgraded all dependencies
- Upgraded to Laravel 11
v4.1.0 (26 Jan, 2024)
- Fixed RTL Issue (Apexcharts)
- Minor issue fixed
v4.0.0 (30 Dec, 2023)
Only in Master Demos
- Added Classic & Vintage Themes
- Updated single click to handle themes
- Added user avatar position
- Added multi colors option
- Upgraded packages
- Upgraded Node version to 20
- Upgraded Redux version to 5.0.0
- Upgraded react-table to @tanstack/react-table version to 8.11.0
- Removed unnecessary packages
- Upgraded Node version to 20
- Upgraded laravel-vite-react version to 1.0.0
- Upgraded Typescript version to 5.3.3
- Upgraded Vite version to 5.0.10
- Upgraded Redux version to 5.0.1
- Upgraded react-table to @tanstack/react-table version to 8.11.0
- Removed unnecessary packages
- Upgraded Angular version to 17
- Added ngrx functionality
- Upgraded bootstrap-vue-next version to 0.15.5
- Upgraded Python version to 3.12.0
- Upgraded Django version to 5.0.0
- Upgraded Django Allauth version to 0.58.2
- Upgraded Symfony version to 7.0
- Upgraded PHP version to 8.2.0
- Upgraded NodeJS version to 18.18.0
- Added Webpack Support
- Upgraded Python version to 3.12.0
- Upgraded Flask version to 3.0.0
- Upgraded Python version to 3.12.0
- Upgraded AIOHTTP version to 3.9.1
- Fixed i18n plugin issue
- Upgraded Python version to 3.12.0
- Upgraded Bottle version to 0.12.25
v3.5.2 (06 Dec, 2023)
- Initial release
v3.5.1 (01 Dec, 2023)
- Upgraded ASP.Net core version to 8
- Fixed minor issues
- Upgraded Symfony version to 6.3
- Fixed minor issues
v3.5.0 (09 Nov, 2023)
- Upgraded Bootstrap version to v5.3.2
- Upgraded packages
- Added a month grid view to the calendar page
- Fixed minor issues
- Added yet-another-react-lightbox package for Lightbox
- Upgraded packages
- Removed unnecessary packages
- Upgraded Django version to 4.2.6
- Added Webpack support
- Upgraded Flask version to 3.0.0
- Fixed Webpack issues
v3.4.0 (10 Oct, 2023)
- Initial release
Updated Package:
- bootstrap: 5.3.0
- @ckeditor/ckeditor5-build-classic: ^31.0.0
- @tarekraafat/autocomplete.js: ^10.2.7
- apexcharts: 3.41.0
- chart.js: 4.3.0
- choices.js: ^10.2.0
- echarts: ^5.4.2
- filepond: ^4.30.4
- filepond-plugin-file-validate-size: ^2.2.8
- filepond-plugin-image-preview: ^4.6.11
- flatpickr: ^4.6.13
- fullcalendar: ^6.1.8
- gridjs: ^6.0.6
- nouislider: ^15.7.0
- prismjs: ^1.29.0
- shepherd.js: ^11.1.1
- simplebar: ^6.2.5
- sweetalert2: ^11.7.12
- swiper: ^9.3.2
- toastify-js: ^1.12.0
Added & Updated Pages
- Added Apexchart range area chart
- Added Apexchart Funnel chart
- Added & Update Components
- Updated Light & Dark Mode (Bootstrap Support v5.3.0)
- Deprecated the
class. It’s been replaced bybg-*-subtle
- Deprecated the
class. It’s been replaced byobject-fit-cover
- Deprecated the
class. It’s been replaced byflex-grow-1
- Deprecated the
class. It’s been replaced byborder-0
- Deprecated the
class. It’s been replaced bybg-*-subtle text-*
- Deprecated the
class. It’s been replaced byborder border-* text-*
- Deprecated the
class. It’s been replaced bytext-white text-opacity-75
- JavaScript functionality error resolved
- Fixed Minor issues
- Updated AIOHTTP version to 3.8.5
- Updated Python version to 3.11.4
- Updated Python version to 3.11.4
v3.3.0 (03 Oct, 2023)
- Initial release
- Upgraded Angular version to 16
- Upgraded all packages
- Fixed minor issues
- Added Bootstrap-vue-next
- Upgraded simplebar-vue
- Removed Unnecessary packages
- Upgraded packages
- Fixed minor issues
- Upgraded Django version to 4.2.5
- Added Django All Auth Authentication
- Removed Social Django Authentication
- Upgraded Crispy form package to Bootstrap 5
- Fixed minor issues
- Upgraded Bootstrap version to 5.3.0
- Added & Update Components
- Fixed the calendar issue
- JavaScript functionality error resolved
- Fixed minor issues
- Upgraded Symfony version to 6.3
- Added Symfony Webpack Encore Support
- Fixed minor issues
v3.2.0 (11 Sept, 2023)
Updated Package:
- Updated layout setting
- Fixed issue in form picker
- Updated Vite configuration for Node Modules
- Fixed minor issues
Updated Package:
- Upgraded Bootstrap version to 5.3.0
- Updated to Svelte 4.0.5 version
- Fixed the full calendar issue
- Fixed minor issues and updated packages
v3.1.0 (21 July, 2023)
Updated Package:
- Upgraded Bootstrap version to 5.3.0
- Updated packages
- Removed Unnecessary packages
Added & Updated Pages
- Added Apexchart range area chart
- Added Apexchart Funnel chart
- Added & Update Components
- Updated Light & Dark Mode (Bootstrap Support v5.3.0)
- Deprecated the
class. It’s been replaced bybg-*-subtle
- Deprecated the
class. It’s been replaced byobject-fit-cover
- Deprecated the
class. It’s been replaced byflex-grow-1
- Deprecated the
class. It’s been replaced byborder-0
- Deprecated the
class. It’s been replaced bybg-*-subtle text-*
- Deprecated the
class. It’s been replaced byborder border-* text-*
- Deprecated the
class. It’s been replaced bytext-white text-opacity-75
- JavaScript functionality error resolved
- Fixed Minor issues
Updated Package:
- Upgraded React Redux version to 8.1.1.
Minor fixes in the below pages:
- Menu hover issue fix ( _vertical.scss)
v3.0.0 (13 July, 2023)
Updated Package:
- bootstrap: 5.3.0
- @ckeditor/ckeditor5-build-classic: ^31.0.0
- @tarekraafat/autocomplete.js: ^10.2.7
- apexcharts: 3.41.0
- chart.js: 4.3.0
- choices.js: ^10.2.0
- echarts: ^5.4.2
- filepond: ^4.30.4
- filepond-plugin-file-validate-size: ^2.2.8
- filepond-plugin-image-preview: ^4.6.11
- flatpickr: ^4.6.13
- fullcalendar: ^6.1.8
- gridjs: ^6.0.6
- nouislider: ^15.7.0
- prismjs: ^1.29.0
- shepherd.js: ^11.1.1
- simplebar: ^6.2.5
- sweetalert2: ^11.7.12
- swiper: ^9.3.2
- toastify-js: ^1.12.0
Added & Updated Pages
- Added Apexchart range area chart
- Added Apexchart Funnel chart
- Added & Update Components
- Updated Light & Dark Mode (Bootstrap Support v5.3.0)
- Deprecated the
class. It’s been replaced bybg-*-subtle
- Deprecated the
class. It’s been replaced byobject-fit-cover
- Deprecated the
class. It’s been replaced byflex-grow-1
- Deprecated the
class. It’s been replaced byborder-0
- Deprecated the
class. It’s been replaced bybg-*-subtle text-*
- Deprecated the
class. It’s been replaced byborder border-* text-*
- Deprecated the
class. It’s been replaced bytext-white text-opacity-75
- JavaScript functionality error resolved
- Fixed Minor issues
- Removed Animation page
- Updated Django version to 4.2.2
- Updated Python version to 3.11.4
- Updated Flask version to 2.3.2
- Updated Werkzeug version to 2.3.6
- Updated Python version to 3.11.4
- Added Gulp & Sass support
- Added MongoDB Authentication
v2.5.0 (08 May 2023)
- Initial release
- Updated Google & Facebook Authentication Code with firebase and Removed social auth packages.
- Added React Data Tables in Tables Pages.
- Fixed Minor issues
- Add sorting in tables
- Add drag and drop in kanban task
- Fixed minor issues
- Added semibox layout
- Fixed minor issues
v2.4.0 (07 March 2023)
Added & Updated Pages:
- Added Semibox Layout
- Added Corporate Demo
Minor fixes in the below pages:
- pages-team.html
- tables-listjs.html
- Fixed minor Issue
Added & Updated Pages:
- Added Redux-Thunk with Toolkit
- Updated all dependencies package.
- Removed Unnecessary plugin
- Updated all dependencies package
- Removed Unnecessary plugin
- Upgraded to Laravel 11
- Removed Laravel Mix Support
- Add Laravel Vite
- Updated Packages
v2.3.0 (04 Jan 2023)
Minor fixes in the below pages:
- apps-mailbox.html
- apps-todo.html
- index.html
- apps-ecommerce-orders.html
- apps-nft-creators.html
- apps-nft-collections.html
- forms-validation.html
- tables-listjs.html
- apps-ecommerce-customers.html
- apps-tasks-list-view.html
- apps-crm-contacts.html
- apps-crm-companies.html
- apps-crm-leads.html
- apps-tickets-list.html
- apps-job-application.html
v2.2.0 (08 Dec 2023)
- Updated Bootstrap version to v5.2.3
- Added Arabic Language
Added New Pages:
- Job App
- API Key App
- Job Landing Page
- Job Dashboard Page
- Privacy Policy Page
- Terms & Conditions Page
Minor fixes in the below pages:
- advance-ui-scrollspy.html
- apps-crm-companies.html
- apps-crm-contacts.html
- apps-crm-leads.html
- apps-crypto-orders.html
- apps-ecommerce-customers.html
- apps-ecommerce-orders.html
- apps-ecommerce-sellers.html
- apps-file-manager.html
- apps-invoices-list.html
- apps-mailbox.html
- apps-nft-auction.html
- apps-nft-collections.html
- apps-nft-creators.html
- apps-nft-item-details.html
- apps-nft-marketplace.html
- apps-nft-ranking.html
- apps-tasks-list-view.html
- apps-tickets-list.html
- apps-todo.html
- auth-offline.html
- dashboard-nft.html
- forms-file-uploads.html
- forms-wizard.html
- forms-select2.html
- landing.html
- nft-landing.html
- ui-modals.html
- widgets.html
- charts-apex-area.html
- charts-apex-candlestick.html
v2.1.0 (21 Oct 2023)
- Added ASP.Net MVC initial release
- Added Yii 2 initial release
v2.0.0 (26 Sept 2023)
Added & Updated Pages:
- Added Galaxy Demo
- Added Starterkit
- Added File Manager App
- Added TODO List App
- Added Crypto Icons SVG List
- Added Custom Country Select Input - forms-advanced.html
- Added Add toggle btn - ui-buttons.html
- Added Flat picker week number option - forms-pickers.html
- Added Preloader Option
- Upd: apps-chat.html - Added JavaScript functionality
- Upd: pages-team.html - Added JavaScript functionality
- Upd: ui-badges.html
- Upd: ui-colors.html
- Upd: ui-typography.html
- Upd: ui-utilities.html
- Upd: tables-basic.html
Minor Fixes in the below pages:
- auth-signin-basic.html
- auth-signin-cover.html
- auth-twostep-basic.html
- auth-twostep-cover.html
- apps-crm-companies.html
- apps-crm-contacts.html
- apps-crm-leads.html
- apps-ecommerce-customers.html
- apps-ecommerce-orders.html
- apps-invoices-list.html
- apps-tasks-list-view.html
- apps-tickets-list.html
- charts-apex-boxplot.html
- charts-apex-heatmap.html
- charts-apex-line.html
- forms-select2.html
- nft-landing.html
- apps-nft-ranking.html
Updated Package:
- aos ^2.3.4
- Bootstrap v5.2.1
- chart.js ^3.8.0
- echarts ^5.3.3
- feather-icons ^4.29.0
- glightbox ^3.2.0
- leaflet ^1.8.0
- nouislider ^15.6.0
- prismjs ^1.28.0
- shepherd.js ^10.0.0
- sortablejs ^1.15.0
- sweetalert2 ^11.4.24
- swiper ^8.3.1
Added Package:
- autoprefixer 10.4.5
- Updated to ASP.Net Core 7
- Visual studio 2022 supported
- Removed gulp and npm support but scss support is there
- Fix minor issues
- Added RTL support.
v1.9.0 (12 Aug 2022)
- Added Svelte initial release
v1.8.0 (01 Aug 2022)
- Fixed minor issues in Javascript and gulp file.
- Upgraded React version to 18.2.0.
- Added Toast For User Interaction.
- Horizontal Navbar Background Issue Fix.
- Filter options working with Redux on All Dashboards.
- Chat Issue Fixes and added functionality.
- Global Filter Added in Ecommerce, Tasks, CRM, Crypto, Support Tickets, NFT Marketplace.
- Export Data Functionality Added in Ecommerce and CRM Pages.
- Multiple Delete Functionality Added in Ecommerce, Tasks, CRM, Invoices, Support Tickets.
- Minor Filter Added in Ecommerce, Crypto, NFT Marketplace.
- Create Product and Create Invoice Pages make Working with Javascript.
- CRUD Functionality Added in Team Page.
- Fixed minor issues.
- Upgraded Angular version to 14.1.0
- Ng Bootstrap version Updated 12.1.2
- Added Emoji picker
- API data set in Angular data table
- Added filter in Data-table
- Fixed minor issues
- Added AIOHTTP initial release
v1.7.0 (02 July 2022)
Minor Fixes in the below pages:
- Topbar and sidebar element missing js error fixed.
- Fixed minor issues in Javascript
- Fixed sourcemap warning by gulpfile.js
- Added Flask initial release
v1.6.0 (13 June 2022)
Minor Fixes in the below pages:
- Added Email Templates
- Added Sidebar Gradient Colors & Images
- Added NFT Dashboard
- Added NFT Apps Pages
- Added NFT Landing Page
Minor Fixes in the below pages:
Update Package : apexcharts "^3.35.0"
- charts-apex-line.html
- charts-apex-column.html
- charts-apex-timeline.html
- charts-apex-candlestick.html
- charts-apex-boxplot.html
- charts-apex-radialbar.html
- charts-apex-heatmap.html
- apps-invoices-details.html - Invoice Print Issue Fixed
- apps-invoices-create.html - Invoice Create W3c Validate Issue Fixed
Minor Fixes in the below pages:
- Added Datatbales
- Added Select2
v1.5.0 (07 May 2022)
Minor Fixes in the below pages:
- Added Badge gradient style
- Added New buttons style
- Added Modal style
- Added New tabs style
- Added Basic Auth. Password Create Page
- Added Cover Auth. Password Create Page
- Added Offline Page
Minor Fixes in the below pages:
- auth-signup-basic.html
- auth-signup-cover.html
- sidebar.html
- topbar.html
- apps-invoices-create - total error issue Fixed
- apps-crm-contacts.html
- apps-crm-companies.html
- apps-crm-lead.html
- apps-tasks-kanban.html - images hide/show issue Fixed & functionality
- ui-dropdowns.html - page error Issue Fixed
- apps-mailbox.html - added Loader & Checkbox issue Fixed
- dashboard-project.html - Chat scroll issue Fixed
- apps-ecommerce-products.html - Added JS functionalities
- apps-ecommerce-add-product.html - Added JS functionalities
v1.4.0 (15 April 2022)
Minor Fixes in the below pages:
- Calendar - Fixed event date issue
- Mailbox - Added JavaScript functionality
- Updated all demos ( SASS, MATERIAL, MINIMAL, CREATIVE, MODERN & INTERACTIVE ) with JavaScript functionalities.
- Upgraded React version to 18.0.0.
- Dynamic charts color
- Minor fixes on the calendar page
- Mailbox page working
- Delete functionality added to the eCommerce product page
- Crud added to the Order page (Ecommerce)
- Crud added to Customer page (Ecommerce)
- Crud added to Tasklist page
- Crud added to CRM Contact list page
- Crud added to CRM Companies list page
- Crud added to CRM Lead list page
- Crud added to invoice list page
- Crud added to Tickets list page
- Added Landing Page.
- Added RTL scss
- Minor bug fixes
- Removed react-meta-tags plugin
- Fixed sidebar issue
- Fixed responsive issue
- Fixed twocolumn issue
- Added Landing page
- Fixed map issue in dashboad
- Dynamic charts color
- Crud functionality add in apps
- Material Demo - topbar.vue - Shadow Issue Fix
- Added Floating Lable - forms-elements.vue
- Crud functionality add in apps
- Crud functionality add in apps
Minor Fixes in the below pages:
- ui-dropdowns.vue
- dashboard-projects.vue
- apps-ecommerce-orders.vue
- apps-ecommerce-customers.vue
- apps-ecommerce-checkout.vue
- apps-crm-deals.vue
- apps-crypto-kyc.vue
- pages-profile-settings.vue
- apps-ecommerce-products.vue
- apps-tickets-list.vue
- pages-pricing.vue
- Fixed sidebar issue
- Fixed responsive issue
- Added landing page
- Dynamic charts color
- Added SCSS support
- Added Cake PHP initial release
- Fixed minor issues. ( v1.2.0 )
Major Changes in the below pages:
- Material Demo - topbar.ejs - Shadow Issue Fix
- Added Back to Top & Load special buttons - button.ejs
- Added Landing Page - landing.ejs
- Added Floating Lable - forms-elements.ejs
- Message search filter - Topbar.ejs
- Added Notification check, active background & Cart delete working option - Topbar.ejs
- Added JS crud functionalities in apps
Minor Fixes in the below pages:
- apps-projects-list.ejs
- apps-tasks-kanban.ejs
- ui-progress.ejs
- pages-sitemap.ejs - Sitemap W3C validate issue
- ui-dropdowns.ejs
- dashboard-projects.ejs
- apps-ecommerce-orders.ejs
- apps-ecommerce-customers.ejs
- apps-ecommerce-checkout.ejs
- apps-crm-deals.ejs
- apps-crypto-kyc.ejs
- pages-profile-settings.ejs
- apps-ecommerce-products.ejs
- apps-tickets-list.ejs
- pages-pricing.ejs
- ui-typography.ejs
- dashboard-analytics.ejs - In Material Demo
- Theme Customizer - In Saas Demo
v1.3.0 (20 March, 2022)
Minor Fixes in the below pages:
- Material Demo - topbar.html - Shadow Issue Fix
Minor fixes in HTML & JavaScript:
- Mailbox
- CRM Contacts
- CRM Company
- CRM Deals
- CRM Leads
- Invoices List
- Invoices Details
- Invoices Create
- Ecommerce Orders
- Ecommerce Customers
- Task List View
- Support Ticket List View
- Support Ticket Details
- Added Angular 15 initial release.
- Added Vue 3 initial release.
v1.2.0 (06 March, 2022)
Major Changes in the below pages:
- Added Back to Top & Load special buttons - button.html
- Added Landing Page - landing.html
- Added Floating Lable - forms-elements.html
- Message search filter - Topbar.html
- Added Notification check, active background & Cart delete working option - Topbar.html
Minor Fixes in the below pages:
- apps-projects-list.html
- apps-tasks-kanban.html
- ui-progress.html
- pages-sitemap.html - Sitemap W3C validate issue
- ui-dropdowns.html
- dashboard-projects.html
- apps-ecommerce-orders.html
- apps-ecommerce-customers.html
- apps-ecommerce-checkout.html
- apps-crm-deals.html
- apps-crypto-kyc.html
- pages-profile-settings.html
- apps-ecommerce-products.html
- apps-tickets-list.html
- pages-pricing.html
- ui-typography.html
- dashboard-analytics.html - In Material Demo
- Theme Customizer - In Saas Demo
Updated Apps with JavaScript functionalities:
- CRM Contacts
- CRM Company
- CRM Deals
- CRM Leads
- Invoices List
- Invoices Details
- Invoices Create
- Ecoomerce Orders
- Ecoomerce Customers
- Task List View
- Support Ticket List View
- Support Ticket Details
- Updated: Laravel 8 to Laravel 9.
- Added React initial release.
- In order to get design files (Sketch, Figma, and Adobe XD files) contact us via support. The design assets are available as complimentary only and not part of the template.
v1.1.0 (07 February, 2022)
- Added: Bootstrap 5(HTML), Laravel, Django, CodeIgniter 4, Symfony, PHP, NodeJs and Ajax versions.
v1.0.0 (05 February, 2022)
- Initial Released
Quick, developer-friendly and Powerful
Velzon - Admin Dashboard Template is easily customizable and developer-friendly codes to quick start with any project.
Different Layouts & Counting
Multi Languages & Counting
Pages, Apps & Counting
Happy Users & Counting
Best Quality products.
Velzon - Admin Dashboard Template is easily customizable and developer-friendly codes to quick start with any project.
Build your web App/SaaS with Velzon dashboard
Velzon to get a kick start with your new project.
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