React Rating

Overview Official Website

Angular Bootstrap Rating is the best star rater for the browser. No dependencies. Unlimited number of stars.

Add Package
npm install primeng
Remove Package
npm uninstall primeng or you can remove package by removing specific package from package.json
import { RatingModule } from 'primeng/rating'; in your module.ts file.
Title Script
Basic Rater
<p-rating [cancel]="false" [stars]="5" [(ngModel)]="rateValue1"></p-rating>
Rater with Step
<p-rating [cancel]="false" [stars]="5" [(ngModel)]="rateValue2"></p-rating>
Custom Messages
<p-rating [cancel]="false" [stars]="5" [(ngModel)]="rateValue3"></p-rating> 
Example with unlimited number of stars. readOnly option is set to true
<p-rating [cancel]="false"  [readonly]="true" [stars]="16" [(ngModel)]="rateValue4"></p-rating>
<p-rating [disabled]="true" [stars]="5" [(ngModel)]="rateValue5"></p-rating>
Clear/Reset Rater
<p-rating [cancel]="false" [stars]="5"  [(ngModel)]="rateValue6" class="d-inline-block"></p-rating>
                <p-rating [(ngModel)]="rateValue6" [stars]="10" class="d-inline-block">
                    <ng-template pTemplate="ccancel">
                    <button id="raterreset-button" class="btn btn-light btn-sm ms-2">Reset</button>
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