RTL Mode

RTL Setup:

To make the default RTL version just follow the below steps.

To enable RTL mode, you need to uncomment the main.vue files in the src/layouts/main.vue file, just like you would also uncomment the following two lines:

mounted() {
    // document.querySelector("html").setAttribute('dir', 'rtl');

and uncomment RTL Mode scss files in the src/assets/scss/app.scss file same as uncomment below lines

// @import "./rtl/bootstrap-rtl";
// @import "./rtl/components-rtl";
// @import "./rtl/float-rtl";
// @import "./rtl/general-rtl";
// @import "./rtl/pages-rtl";
// @import "./rtl/plugins-rtl";
// @import "./rtl/spacing-rtl";
// @import "./rtl/structure-rtl";
// @import "./rtl/text-rtl";
RTL Setup:

To make the default RTL version just follow the below steps.

To enable RTL mode, you need to uncomment the main.vue files in the resources/js/layouts/main.vue file, just like you would also uncomment the following two lines:

mounted() {
    // document.querySelector("html").setAttribute('dir', 'rtl');

and uncomment RTL Mode scss files in the resources/js/sass/app.scss file same as uncomment below lines

// @import "./rtl/bootstrap-rtl";
// @import "./rtl/components-rtl";
// @import "./rtl/float-rtl";
// @import "./rtl/general-rtl";
// @import "./rtl/pages-rtl";
// @import "./rtl/plugins-rtl";
// @import "./rtl/spacing-rtl";
// @import "./rtl/structure-rtl";
// @import "./rtl/text-rtl";
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