PHP Folder Structure

PHP file structure

<?php include 'layouts/session.php'; ?>
<?php include 'layouts/head-main.php'; ?>


    <title>Calendar | Minia - Admin & Dashboard Template <title>
    <?php include 'layouts/head.php'; ?>

        <?php include 'layouts/head-style.php'; ?>


    <?php include 'layouts/body.php'; ?>

        <!-- Begin page -->
        <div id="layout-wrapper">

            <?php include 'layouts/menu.php'; ?>

            <!-- ============================================================== -->
            <!-- Start right Content here -->
            <!-- ============================================================== -->
            <div class="main-content">

                <div class="page-content">
                    <div class="container-fluid">

                        <div class="page-title-box">
                            <div class="row align-items-center">
                                <div class="col-md-5">
                                </div><!--end col-->
                                <div class="col-md-auto ms-auto">
                                <?php include 'layouts/customizer.php'; ?>
                                </div><!--end col-->
                            </div><!--end row-->

                    <!-- container-fluid -->
                <!-- End Page-content -->

                <?php include 'layouts/footer.php'; ?>
            <!-- end main content-->

        <!-- END layout-wrapper -->

        <?php include 'layouts/vendor-scripts.php'; ?>

        <!-- App js -->
        <script src="assets/js/app.js"></script>


Layout setup

You can set the default layout in the /layouts/body.php file in the body tag.

<body data-topbar="dark" data-bs-theme="dark" data-sidebar-size="md"> 
data-layout-size="fluid" To set fluid layout size.
data-layout-size="boxed" To set boxed layout size.
data-bs-theme="light" To set Light layout mode.
data-bs-theme="dark" To set Dark layout mode.
data-layout-scrollable="false" To set layout position Fixed.
data-layout-scrollable="true" To set layout position Scrollable.
data-topbar="light" To set the Light color of Topbar.
data-topbar="dark" To set the dark color of Topbar.
data-sidebar="light" To set the Light color of sidebar.
data-sidebar="dark" To set the dark color of sidebar.
data-sidebar="brand" To set the brand color of sidebar.
data-sidebar-size="md" To set the Compact sidebar.
data-sidebar-size="lg" To set the Default sidebar.
data-sidebar-size="sm" To set the Small (Icon View) sidebar.
© Minia.