Customization Javascript

Js file structure

We have added all layouts files in the public/assets/js folder.

To set active menu, and layout settings and basic setup of the theme.
All the pages init js files are added in the pages folder. We have named the js files based on the plugins and package so it will be easy to identify the init js file.
app.js Methods
Method Description
initMetisMenu(); Manage the menu.
initLeftMenuCollapse(); Manage the custom Left Menu Collapse.
initFullScreen(); Manage the full screen JS.
initModeSetting(); Manage the mode settings.
initActiveMenu(); Manage rinitActive menu events.
initMenuItemScroll(); Manage Menu Item Scroll.
initHoriMenuActive(); Manage Horizontal Menu Active.
initPreloader(); Manage Preloader.
initSettings(); Manage Layouts right sidebar
initLanguage(); Set selected language with Ajax call.
initComponents(); Manage Components.
initDropdownMenu() Custom Dropdown Menu.
layoutSetting() Custom code for input layouts.
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