Create New Page

How to Create a New Page

Here is the example on how to create your custom page and add it to the leftsidebar menu, breadcrumbs and also meta tag.

1. Create a new folder in resource/js/Pages. ex. NewPage, and then create a vue file in resource/js/Pages/NewPage with name index.vue

Example :-

  • Add pageHeader component. it's a common component, it's used to add breadcrumbs in your page.

    - You have to pass 2 props here, first is title and second is item.

    - the title prop refers to page title and the items array refers to page's breadcrumb item's title. and page title

  • if you want to add meta tags, you need to import import { Head } from '@inertiajs/vue3' and register as a component and use it in your page.

    import Layout from "@/layouts/index.vue";
    import { Head } from '@inertiajs/vue3'
    import PageHeader from "@/components/page-header.vue";
    import RightBar from "@/components/right-bar.vue";

        export default {
          data() {
            return {
          components: {

        <Head title="new page">
            <meta name="description" content="your page description.">
            <meta name="keyword" content="add some keywords">

        <div class="page-title-box">
          <BRow class="align-items-center">
            <BCol md="5">
              <PageHeader title="NewPage" pagetitle="Pages" />
            <BCol md="auto" class="ms-auto">
              <RightBar />

        // write  your code here


2. How to add new route ?

You can easily add, change or remove any route by simply making changes described below:

1. Open routes/web.php file, declare your route. E.g.

use App\Http\Controllers\ExampleController;

Route::get('/', [ExampleController::class, 'index']);

2. Create a controller using below command. E.g.

php artisan make:controller ExampleController

3. Create a function name index. E.g.

use Inertia\Inertia;

public function index()
    return Inertia::render('somefolder/index']);

Note : you don't need to restart the development server in order to see the menu changes getting in effect

3. Add a navigation in the layouts

For more details, check the Layouts page to see how to add menu item in your template.

  • resources/js/components/menu.js

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