
Hybrix has managed the customize variable file in the ( Hybrix_v*/src/theme ) folder. You can add your custom variable in the themes file instead of doing changes in the files as it will create conflicts in future updates.

Quick customization of layout.

You can make changes in the src/theme/palette.ts file.

Variables Description
primary:       cyan;
secondary:     purple;
success:       green;
info:          teal;
warning:       yellow;
danger:        red;
light:         gray[200];
dark:          gray[900];
You can manage those colors to update the color theme.

You can make changes in the src/theme/typography.ts file.

Variables Description
fontFamily:                                    [ 'Gantari', 'sans-serif' ].join(',')
You can set the default font in these variables.
© Hybrix.
Design & Develop by Themesbrand