Laravel Structure

Laravel file structure

<!doctype html>
<html lang="en" data-layout="vertical" data-sidebar="dark" data-sidebar-size="lg" data-preloader="disable"
 data-theme="default" data-bs-theme="light">


<charset="utf-8" />
<title> @yield('title')| Hybrix - Laravel 11 Admin & Dashboard Template </title>
<name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0">
<content="Premium Multipurpose Admin & Dashboard Template" name="description"/>
<content="Themesbrand" name="author"/>

<link rel="shortcut icon" href="{{ URL::asset('build/images/favicon.ico') }}">



    <!-- Begin page -->
    <div id="layout-wrapper">


        <!-- ============================================================== -->
        <!-- Start right Content here -->
        <!-- ============================================================== -->
        <div class="main-content">

            <div class="page-content">
                <div class="container-fluid">


                <!-- container-fluid -->
            <!-- End Page-content -->

        <!-- end main content-->

    <!-- END layout-wrapper -->




Layout setup

You can set the default layout in the resources/view/layouts/master.blade.php file in the html tag.

<html data-layout="vertical" data-topbar="light" data-sidebar="dark" data-sidebar-size="lg">
data-layout="vertical" To set default layout as Vertical
data-layout="horizontal" To set default layout as Horizontal
data-layout="twocolumn" To set default layout as Two column
data-layout-mode="light" To set Light layout mode.
data-layout-mode="dark" To set Dark layout mode.
data-sidebar-size="lg" data-layout-width="fluid" To set layout width Fluid and left sidebar large.
data-sidebar-size="sm-hover" data-layout-width="boxed" To set layout width Boxed and left sidebar on hover show menu.
data-layout-position="fixed" To set layout position Fixed.
data-layout-position="scrollable" To set layout position Scrollable.
data-topbar="light" To set the Light color of Topbar.
data-topbar="dark" To set the dark color of Topbar.
data-sidebar-size="lg" To set the Large left sidebar.
data-sidebar-size="md" To set the Compact left sidebar.
data-sidebar-size="sm" To set the Icon view left sidebar.
data-sidebar-size="sm-hover" To set the Icon hover left sidebar.
data-layout-style="default" To set the Default layout.
data-layout-style="detached" To set the Detached layout.
data-sidebar="light" To set the Light color of left Sidebar.
data-sidebar="dark" To set the Dark color of left Sidebar.
data-sidebar="gradient" To set the Gradient color of left Sidebar.
data-sidebar="gradient-2" To set the Gradient-2 color of left Sidebar.
data-sidebar="gradient-3" To set the Gradient-3 color of left Sidebar.
data-sidebar="gradient-4" To set the Gradient-4 color of left Sidebar.
data-sidebar-image="none" To Disable image on left Sidebar.
data-sidebar-image="img-1" To set the img-1 Image of left Sidebar.
data-sidebar-image="img-2" To set the img-2 Image of left Sidebar.
data-sidebar-image="img-3" To set the img-3 Image of left Sidebar.
data-sidebar-image="img-4" To set the img-4 Image of left Sidebar.
data-preloader="enable" To enable the preloader on the Page.
data-preloader="disable" To disable the preloader on the Page.
© Hybrix.
Design & Develop by Themesbrand