Getting Started

Video Tutorial

Please follow the below steps to install and setup all prerequisites:

  • Server

    Make sure to have the Xampp/Wampp installed & running in your computer. PHP Version 8.1 or Higher must be required for Laravel 10.
    If you have no idea about installation don't worry Just watch below video.

  • Nodejs

    Make sure to have Node.js installed & running on your computer. If you already have installed Node on your computer, you can skip this step if your existing node version is greater than equal to 18. We suggest you to use LTS version of Node.js.

  • Composer

    Make sure to have the Composer installed & running in your computer. make sure the composer version must be 2.2.0 or Higher.

  • Git

    Make sure to have Git installed globally & running on your computer. If you already have installed git on your computer, you can skip this step.

This would install all the required dependencies in the node_modules folder.
npm install
command to install all of the framework's dependencies.
composer install
Please run the below command to generate the new key.
php artisan key:generate

Now open the link http://localhost/phpmyadmin and create new database using sql query or from the wampserver.

Please fill your DB credentials in the .env file.
APP_NAME - Name of your Application/Library System APP_URL - Change this URL with your server URL (including trailing path if you are putting it in sub folder or root website) DB_HOST - Put your database hostname here DB_PORT - Put your database port here if it does not default to 3306 DB_DATABASE - Change it to your database name DB_USERNAME - Name of your database user DB_PASSWORD - Password of your database user
You will also need to set up mail configuration and update the following variables.
To clear all cache from the project.
php artisan optimize
To add all tables and roles, country, state and city dummy data in database.
php artisan migrate:fresh --seed
Generate storage link in public folder directory.
php artisan storage:link
The development server is accessible at http://localhost:8000. To run on other port just run command : php artisan serve --port=8001
php artisan serve
SCSS: We suggest you do not change any scss files from the resources/scss/ folders because getting new updates will break your SCSS changes if any you have made. We strongly suggest you use a custom.scss file and use that instead of overwriting any theme's custom scss files.
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