Setup HTML


We are using Vite which allows having complete automation for build flow. In case if you don't know Vite then it's easy to use it. At the very basic level, developing using Vite is not that much different from using a static file server. However, Vite provides many enhancements over native ESM imports to support various features that are typically seen in bundler-based Please follow below steps to install and setup all prerequisites:


Please follow below steps to install and setup all prerequisites:

  • Yarn

    Make sure to have the Yarn installed & running in your computer. If you already have installed Yarn on your computer, you can skip this step. We suggest you to use Yarn instead of NPM.

  • Nodejs

    Make sure to have the Node.js installed & running in your computer. If you already have installed Node on your computer, you can skip this step if your existing node version is greater than 18. We suggest you to use LTS version of Node.js.

  • Git

    Make sure to have the Git installed globally & running on your computer. If you already have installed git on your computer, you can skip this step.


To setup the admin theme, follow below-mentioned steps:

  • Install Prerequisites

    Make sure to have all above prerequisites installed & running on your computer

After you finished with the above steps, you can run the following commands into the terminal / command prompt from the root directory of the project to run the project locally or build for production use:

Command Description
yarn install This would install all the required dependencies in the node_modules folder.
npm run build Generates a /dist directory with all the production files.
npm run start Runs the project locally, starts the development server and watches for any changes in your code, including your HTML, javascript, sass, etc. The development server is accessible at http://localhost:8080.

css: We suggest you to do not change any css files from the assets/css/custom folders because to get new updates will might be break your CSS changes if any you have made. We strongly suggest you to create new custom.css file and use that instead of overwrite any theme's custom css files.

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