v2.2.0 17 October 2023

  • Upgraded Laravel to v10.x.
  • Upgraded Bootstrap to v5.3.0.
  • Added RTL Support.
  • Added SCSS Support.
  • Added Speech Recognization Features.
  • Added Vite Support.
  • Fixed minor issues.

v2.1.0 27 Sept 2022

  • Upgraded bootstrap to v5.1.3.
  • Upgraded laravel to v9.x.
  • Fixed minor issue in the chat message file.

v1.0.1 09 June 2021

  • Added Sketch files.
  • Fixed minor issue in the chat message file.

v1.0.0 June 2021

  • Initial released.
© Themesbrand.
Crafted with by Themesbrand